

特別優選北極圈內高寒水域自然生態環境的北極海豹,原料在加工前後都經過嚴格的測試,重金屬含量遠低於國家指定的標準;含有豐富的Omega-3、DPA、DHA、EPA ;每粒含500mg純北極海豹油。


Omega-3能夠軟化血管,清除血液中的衰老物質,脂肪沉澱,改善血粘度,減少血小板聚集,並能夠修復血管內壁的損傷,增加血管壁的彈性,預防血管壁硬化、破裂引起的腦中風、腦血栓、腦溢血,同時防止動脈硬化、高血脂、高血壓、等各類心血管疾病。老年人長期服用,還能刺激大腦皮層細胞、預防老年性癡呆、延緩衰老。 DPA可促進和提高人體的免疫力,對糖尿病、類風濕性關節炎、牛皮癬、大 小腸炎等有治療作用。也是代替母乳的極佳和不可或缺的兒營養品。

DHA俗稱“腦黃金”,是腦組織和視神經發育及功能發揮所必須的物質,可促進嬰幼兒智力開發和智商提高,增強記憶力,預防和治療老年癡呆症。在青少年成長期, DHA有助於保持神經健康成長和增強記憶力, 對於過度用腦的成年人也是一種級重要的腦營養補充。在嬰兒與兒童期可幫助神經系統和視力的發展。另外DHA還具有促進和提高人體的免疫功能, 改善過敏現象, 利於糖尿病的預防及治療等功能, 同時對類風濕關節炎, 牛皮癬, 氣喘病和潰瘍性小腸炎均有良好的療效。

EPA俗稱“血管清道夫”,具有防止血管硬化和心臟血管栓塞、降低高血壓及膽固醇等作用。用于冠狀動脈硬化、腦中風、腦溢血、腦血管障礙、手腳麻痺、心悸等心腦血管疾病。 EPA還可有效的對血管壁進行清洗, 降低血脂,進而也達到減少血栓形成的效果。所以EPA對預防和治療冠狀動脈硬化性心髒病、動脈硬化、心肌梗塞、腦溢血和高血壓等心腦血管疾病有絕佳功效。



CHC Product Introduction

Arctic Seal Oil softgel capsules

CAN:18.5/200   CAN:20/300    CAN:28/500 Caps

Arctic Seals are mammals that live in the Arctic Ocean.

The blubber of seal contains high concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are commonly called ‘blood cleaners’, which are capable of preventing the congregation of platelets and reduce blood pressure, and cholesterol. They are essential for the development and the function of the brain and optical nerve and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

CHC Arctic Seal Oil is extracted from Arctic Ocean harp seals of the Canadian North Pole and is a Health Canada product #NPN80003249.

A recommend source of omega-3 fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. A source of EPA, DHA and DPA for the maintenance of good health.

DHA helps support the development of the brain, eyes and nerves. Each softgel capsule contains 500mg pure arctic seal oil. Adults and Children (1-18 years of age): take 2 capsules, 1-2 times daily.

Buy to ccibnewspaper1@hotmail.com