巴西極品綠蜂膠 軟膠襄

Brazil Bee Propolis 100粒裝 CAN:28





2、 極強的抗菌、消炎、抗病毒作用,能有效預防感冒、流感等,提高免疫力。

3、 預防並改善心腦血管疾病,綠蜂膠具有很強的抗氧化作用,能預防過氧化脂質形成,從而軟化血管,防治血管硬化,降低膽固醇和甘油三酯含量,調節血脂。

4、 有效抗氧化,美容養顏,有效預防過氧化物在人體內過量形成,快速分解已形成的過氧化物,並將黑色素經由微血管排出,使皮膚潔白細緻,有效改善肌膚缺水、皺紋、缺乏彈性等各種問題。

5、 綠蜂膠具有抗病原微生物的作用,綠蜂膠中獨有的artepillin C、阿魏酸等強效殺菌成分能抑制和殺滅各種致病菌,減少鼻炎、咽炎、皮膚炎、婦科炎等各種炎症復發的可能性。

6、 綠蜂膠具有維護腸胃的作用,綠蜂膠中富含松屬素、高良薑素、柯因強效殺菌成分,能夠殺滅胃腸病的主要致病菌,同時在胃粘膜上形成一層酸不能滲透的薄膜,緩解胃部疼痛,加速潰瘍部分癒合,同時幫助調節腸胃功能,強化腸道功能。

7、 綠蜂膠具有改善肝功能的作用,降低血清轉氨酶濃度水平,修復肝組織細胞的病變損傷,有降低轉氨酶作用,同時對長期喝酒造成的脂肪肝、肝損傷有很強的修復作用。

8、 綠蜂膠有抗癌症腫瘤作用,綠蜂膠獨有的artepillin C具有基因調節,誘導癌症腫瘤細胞死亡的作用,有效延緩和控制癌症腫瘤病情的惡化。



Brazil Bee Propolis softgel capsules

100 caps  CAN:28

Propolis is a wax-like, resinous substance that bees collect from tree buds, or other botanical sources.

Brazil bees are sources of resin for top species of green propolis.

Brazil holds the greatest rainforest in the world. In the severe survival conditions, the bees use the green propolis to close off small openings and cracks in their hives, welding honeycombs, as well as sealing off the hives from cold winds, and preventing entrance of natural enemies (fungus and bacteria).

Propolis is thus the raw material used in the construction of bee’s hives. The green propolis contains over 400 chemical compounds including flavonoids, Phenolics etc.

These compounds permit various physiological activities already proved scientifically, which include antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiviral and antitumor properties. The bee propolis decreases blood glucose levels in diabetes, decreases blood lipid levels and improves circulation in cardiovascular disease.

CHC Wild Bee Propolis is imported from one of the largest Brazil bee factories.

Wild green bee propolis products are specially selected for the North American market. The products comply to Canadian GMP standards to ensure the highest quality.

Wild Bee Propolis hardgel capsule contains 500mg per capsule. 2 capsules twice daily.

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